About this sample

E-staff and Product Managers wanted to understand what the content generation plans were after a product's launch. This communication brief outlines the strategy devised by the Support and Knowledge Management teams to inform stakeholders about future content generation plans. The primary objective of this brief is to convey how we plan to respond to demand by creating and communicating additional content moving forward—content such as Support Articles, Troubleshooting, and FAQs.


Global KM Governance Board, Product Support Managers, E-staff
Program Report, Brief
Sage Software

Content Strategy: Post-launch content plans

Details in this work sample have been altered to preserve privacy, including the use of fictitious names and product information.


To ensure a successful launch for Sage Zero and ongoing support for our users, a comprehensive content strategy is essential. This brief outlines the proactive documentation and reactive support content creation plans for Sage Zero.

Proactive Documentation Content for Launch Day

Created by: Product Marketing and Product Development teams in collaboration with Technical Writers.


  1. User Guides: Comprehensive guides covering setup, navigation, and key features of Sage Zero.
  2. Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials demonstrating common workflows and tasks within the software.
  3. FAQs: Frequently asked questions addressing common queries and troubleshooting tips.
  4. Release Notes: Detailed release notes highlighting new features, improvements, and bug fixes in each version.
  5. Video Demos: Engaging video demonstrations showcasing key functionalities and best practices.
  6. Knowledge Base Articles: Articles addressing specific user queries and scenarios, providing in-depth explanations and solutions.

Reactive Support Articles Post Launch

Created by: Customer Support team in collaboration with Data Analysts and Content Managers.

The content to create will be determined by these sources:

  1. Case Text Analysis: Analyzing customer support cases to identify recurring issues, pain points, and user queries.
  2. Popular Searches: Monitoring search queries within the knowledge base and website to identify trending topics and areas of interest.
  3. Case Taxonomy Data: Utilizing data from case taxonomy to categorize and prioritize support articles based on the frequency and severity of reported issues.
  4. Case-to-Article Data: Observing which articles are linked to cases can help us determine which drafts need to be pushed through publication.

Content Creation Process:

  1. Identify Common Issues: Review case text analysis and popular searches to identify common user issues and topics. We are taking the "big head" of this data to accurately represent popular demand.
  2. Prioritize Topics: Prioritize topics based on their impact on user experience and business objectives.
  3. Draft Support Articles: Content Managers and Support Staff to draft support articles addressing identified topics.
  4. Review and Approval: Review articles with Content Managers (who are product experts) and stakeholders for accuracy and relevance.
  5. Publish and Promote: Publish articles in the knowledge base and promote them through targeted communications and support channels, specifically on the knowledge base and forum front page.

Measuring success

The following reports will be used to monitor how we're doing:

User Satisfaction Metrics:

  • CSAT score: Measure of user satisfaction with the documentation and support content, typically collected through post-interaction surveys.
    Goal: >90%
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure of user loyalty and likelihood to recommend the product or documentation to others.
    Goal: > 70

Support Ticket Metrics:

We will be monitoring these metrics, but do not currently have specific benchmarks.

  • Ticket volume: Total number of support tickets submitted over a given period.
  • Ticket resolution time: Average time taken to resolve support tickets, from submission to closure.
  • First contact resolution rate: Percentage of support tickets resolved on the first interaction with the user, without escalation or follow-up.

Important note around Self-help rate: Our platform currently does not have the appropriate measurements to track how often users are abandoning case creation. This has been an identified opportunity for us in the future.


For any further elaboration or inquiries regarding this brief or our content strategy efforts, please feel free to contact me, Randy Santamaria. I'm here to assist and provide additional insights as needed.

created by | Randy Santamaria
created by | Randy Santamaria