I'm a SF Bay Area-based Webflow Developer and Knowledge Management Professional.
I just started here... woohoo! Atlassian is a software company that unleashes the potential in every team!
Technologies: RightAnswers, JIRA, Confluence, Coveo, Salesforce Service Cloud.
At Yahoo!, we globalized and localized Yahoo! Help sites on the Oracle KM platform (formerly known as InQuira). We launched help for over 40 products (like Mail, Flickr, Tumblr, Fantasy Sports) into 24 countries, across 8+ languages.
Services: Knowledge Centered Services, Natural Language Search Admin, Content Management.
Brocade is a networking company, now acquired by Broadcom.
I was a graduate of Brocade's UDP program in 2009, an effort by Brocade's CEO to get top talent out of the country's new grads. This was my first foray into Knowledge Management, launching InQuira Knowledge Management into the Technical Support organization.
Viz Media coordinates licenses of Japanese manga and anime to American companies.
I wrote for SHONEN JUMP magazine. When I wasn't writing, I was hanging out with Naruto and Goku, breaking my wallet during lunch breaks in San Francisco. I'm basically Kakashi-sensei's favorite ninja but he told me not to tell anyone.
Services: Editorial, Writing.
Projects I'm proud to present.
Information Architecture, Search, and KM initiatives.
Some side projects.
I can write in a wide range of styles, from technical to friendly & helpful.